Thursday, December 31, 2009

And a (happy?) new year!

Well it's New Years Eve 2009... woohoo???

This has turned out to be a year of many changes. I've learned a lot about the person I am and what I can survive and get over. I've taken care of a lot of matters that were bugging me this year and I'm almost done with it all and hopefully I'll be less stressed in 2010.

2009 was really eye opening as far as who my friends are. Turns out nobody really. Sure I have acquaintances, but as far as people who I thought I was close to, they pretty much faded out this year and I am now left with a contact list of people who don't return my calls/texts or seem to care about little things... such as what I might being doing on New Years Eve... but I digress.
This could easily turn into a sob fest of "woe is me" I have no friends...pity me please.... I'm gonna try to refrain from that. All I'll say is that having kids and and trying to be friends with people WITHOUT kids DO NOT mix.. at least for me. Thank goodness I know one person with a kid that lives fairly close.

Anyway, my husband is out tonight taking photos of some fancy party downtown so alas I am home alone with the kids again and sitting here , instead of living it up with the ol' acquaintances that I've now forgot. It's not all bad... At least Green Day is playing on T.V. (vomit) Oh yeah... I don't like Green Day....
time for bed.....Goodnight 2009 and go fuck yourself.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Whats coming???

Thank GOODNESS Christmas has come and gone.

I felt as if everyday were some race and that I had to compete to just get through it alive. We didn't even have all that much planned as far as get togethers go, but it still felt like we were being pulled in every direction. Oh well it's done now and I can breathe again.

For my step sister and step mom I made them each a quilted log cabin pillow. I ended up being so proud of them. I can't wait to make more quilted projects. I hope at some point I'll be good enough that I can start my own etsy store. We'll see.... I know that people do it, but I still can't wrap my head around the possibility that people can make money off a hobby/ something they love... So like I said.. we'll see.
New years is almost here... Justin is shooting some fancy party though so I may be hanging out by myself that night... oh well... more time to work on my quilts... if they kids allow me that is.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Over the river

And through the state, my mom rides in the car.

I was saying in my post on Sophies blog today that my mom and step dad are on their way to see us today. Which means they are trekking highway 84 today through the pass to get here to have an early x-mas with us.

Now I'm feeling anxious and nervous about having guests again. I'm excited to see them, but when I know things are gonna happen, but don't have a time table or something I can control I get anxiety over the situation.... Once they get here I'll feel better.

I'm hoping to make some marshmallows are other goodies this weekend. Once I figure out which recipes I'm gonna use I'll post links and photos of the outcomes... I'm excited to all the baking and merriment.....I should probably figure out what I'm gonna feed my family tonight.. gah

Monday, December 14, 2009

Not just for my anger.

It's been a couple of days now since I finally decided to start adding posts to this blog that I started almost 6 months ago. Oops....and I decided that I should clarify that I'm not always angry, and that I don't intend to only share rants . No no no... although I am sure that will happen from time to time ( or more than that) I actually want to start incorporating all of the crafting, sewing, cooking stuff that I experiment with.

See I love having the time to try new creative things.... I want to be able to do it all someday, but will admit that I'm pretty much a beginner when it comes to most things crafty. It doesn't help that I have two small children... did I mention I have two kids??

Yes two, Sophie who is almost 3, and Benjamin who is 3 months now. They are great and I honestly couldn't imagine life without them now, but they have seriously taken a bite out of mine and my husbands free time. But we knew that going into it, and the ability to get things done around here gets better everyday as they get older so I'm trying to to sweat it or feel sorry for myself.
Anyway I just wanted to add those tidbits in, I should probably be a good wife (gag) and go start dinner. Heh...I think societies expectations for women and their place in the home is something
best left for another time.....

Straight out of her mouth

So for a while now I've wanted to keep some kind of record of the stuff that comes out of Sophies mouth but wasn't sure if I wanted to keep a notepad with me or something online. So I finally decided on a blog , because that way family would be able to keep up with the funny stuff that comes out her.

Anyway, I finally did it, and I'm really excited to post pictures and stories of the little things that go on in her daily life.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Where to begin...

I suppose that we must all begin at the beginning... unless you start at the end and work your way back, in which case most of what I have to say wouldn't make sense.

Hello, my name is Jenny. I have kids. Two of them. One husband. One dog. I am a homemaker for the time being and just try to fill my time keeping my family fed and happy.

I like: a lot of things, but I have a feeling this blog will mostly be filled when rants of stuff I don't like, although I hope to write about new recipes and crafts/sewing project I attempt.

I don't like : Hipsters....

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me... although I can't imagine it'll be terribly interesting, but I'll do my best.... Maybe.